Join 32 of the world’s best Christian doctors and experts, as they reveal their God-given secrets for…
Beating Cancer, Alzheimer's, Diabetes, Digestive Illness, Pain, and More – with God's Healing System
Today, you can get everything in the Christian Medical Summit series.
You’ve witnessed the life changing stories…
You’ve seen scientifically-proven studies…
You’ve learned the natural secrets to heal your own body from the most devastating diseases known to mankind…
Here’s your chance to make sure you’re never without them.
Today, I’m offering lifetime access to the Christian Medical Summit – so you always have the cure you’re looking for, on demand and whenever you need it.
Throughout this groundbreaking 6-part series, America’s top Christian doctors and medical researchers from more than 30 fields of expertise…
…have given YOU all the tools you need to heal your body from the inside out.
From nagging little concerns – all the way up to your biggest health fears.
Whether you’re worried about:
- Cancer
- Alzheimer's
- Arthritis
- Chronic Pain
- Weight Gain
- Aging
- Thyroid Conditions
- Parkinson's
- Auto-Immune Diseases
- Inflammation
- Heart Disease
- GI Issues
- Immune System
- Stroke
- Memory Loss
- Depression
- Toxins
- Chronic Disease
- and more
But what makes this series so different than any other?
Friend, this is simply the most comprehensive Christian healing guide ever assembled.
Here’s just a small taste of what you’re getting inside:
- Scientific PROOF of our Creator (What an incredible blessing!) This video is so undeniable, it’ll have even the most smug atheist dumbfounded and crying out “Now I believe!”…
- The 3 powerful Bible verses doctors turn to when they meet “incurable” patients. Late-stage cancer… COMPLETLEY GONE. A lifetime of unexplained pain…disappearing within weeks.And that’s just the tip of the iceberg…
- The famous Cardiologist who has brought over 20 dead people back to life. You’ll be amazed by his patients’ stunning accounts of Heaven… and shocked to see who actually ended up in Hell.
- Why one expert says, “There is no such thing as an incurable disease.” Could his discovery be the end of all chronic disease? If you or a loved one is suffering from an “unsolvable” autoimmune condition or other mystery illness, this video is a CAN’T MISS.
- The unique DNA every Christian has inside them. As a Believer, there are specific techniques only you can use to heal your body from cancer, diabetes, arthritis, dementia, depression and more. (Sorry, atheists… it just won’t work for you).
- And there’s still so much more in store for you…
Whether you’re a life-long Christian or just recently found Christ… you know God always has the answer.
But sadly, in today’s fallen world… secular and mainstream doctors reject God from their medical practice.
…leaving their patients suffering and searching for answers.
Because their arrogance ignores a Godly, holistic approach to healing.
See, these doctors think the only “solution” is to prescribe you dangerous prescription drugs.
At best, this is a “band-aid fix” that manages your symptoms.
And, at worst, the drugs do nothing, give you nasty side-effects, or send you straight to the hospital with a life-threatening condition.
But one thing they NEVER do is find the root cause of what’s ailing you – and CURE it.
These experts know there’s a better way…
Meet the Christians who turn to God’s Healing Wisdom first – and are doing the impossible…
For the first time ever, 32 of America’s top Christian doctors, scientists, and health experts have gathered together to create this groundbreaking series: The Christian Medical Summit.
It took over 12 months to film their top healing protocols, best wellness tips, and groundbreaking discoveries…
(These are the exact same methods they use inside their own clinics – with their own patients.)
And they’re ready to share everything with you… TODAY.
Dr. Randy Guliuzza
Dr. Mark Stengler
Dr. Brian Thomas
Dr. Jake Hebert III
Dr. William Sears
Dr. Vernon Cupps
Danna Demetre
Doug Kaufmann
Jordan Rubin
Robyn Thompson
Dr. Al Fallah
Dr. Angela Stengler
Dr. Chris Meletis
David Menton
Dr. Frank Shallenberger
Dr. Greg Wright
Dr. James Forsythe
Dr. Jared Zeff
Dr. Jeffrey Tomkins
Dr. Josh Axe
Dr. Kristian French
Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy
Dr. Linette Williamson
Dr. Mark LaBeau
Dr. Michael Brown
Dr. Michael Copeland
Dr. Patrick Quillin
Dr. Paul Anderson
Dr. Sean McDowell
Dr. Susan Daniel
Dr. Stephen Sinatra
Dr. Tim Clarey
You’ll be blessed by their brand-new discoveries, and marvel as they answer the toughest scientific questions from a fresh Biblical perspective.
Like Episode 1, where you’ll meet Dr. Randy Guliuzza, Dr. William Sears, Dr. Jake Hebert, Dr. Brian Thomas, and Dr. Vernon Cupps.
Watch as they take on (and take down) the BIGGEST evolution myths ever sold to the American public:
- How the true age of Earth was discovered in T-Rex bones… and scientists have known the truth for over 10 years. (Why was this covered up?)
- The “science fiction” theory that’s about to be taught in your grandchild’s school… even though there’s ZERO evidence to back it up.
- How the type of rock dating secular geologists use is just plain WRONG…
- The shocking reason cosmologists are changing their minds about the Big Bang…
- And MORE!
Next, in Episode 2: You’ll hear from Dr. Sean McDowell, Dr. Michael Brown, Dr. David Menton, Dr. Tim Clarey, and Dr. Jeffrey Tomkins to find out:
- How Jesus’s death and resurrection is historically, undeniably TRUE. (You’ll be blessed by what’s revealed at 4:52.)
- Scientific PROOF that we are all created in God’s image, we are unique from the animal kingdom, AND how we have the unique ability to communicate with Him.
- How our own Grand Canyon proves The Great Flood happened (exactly as it was written in the Bible!)
- How our Creator encoded special instructions into our DNA. (Atheists’ jaws will be on the floor at 14:03.)
- And MORE!
Episode 3 is all about the wonders of the human body… God’s finest creation – and the most complex thing on the planet. You’ll hear from…
- Dr. James Forsythe (Christian Oncologist): He’s treated over 100,000 patients with his “Trojan Horse” method to kill cancer cells – and he’s ready to reveal what it is TODAY. Plus, he warns about the huge mistake hospitals make when you’re going through cancer treatment. (It could cost you your life.)
- Dr. Jared Zeff (Chronic Disease Specialist): Has your doctor ever claimed you’re “incurable”? If so, he could learn a lot from Dr. Zeff. See, he believes that there is no such thing as an incurable disease – and he’s ready to show you the proof.
- Dr. Stephen Sinatra (Cardiologist): Meet the incredible man who brought 20 people back to life. They were all considered “clinically dead” in his emergency room – but when he resuscitated each of them, they had an incredible afterlife experience to share. Most described what Heaven was like. But, for one atheist… well, you’re just going to have to hear the story from Dr. Sinatra.
- Dr. Linette Williamson (Diabetic Expert): Are you eating THIS healthy food every day? U.S. Dietary Guidelines say you should be (at least 3x per day!), but Dr. Williamson says, “THROW IT OUT NOW.” Her new report shows it’s worse for your body than a soda pop! Is this the real reason 30.3 million Americans have diabetes?
- Dr. Greg Wright (Chiropractor): He’ll show you how to activate your body’s natural painkillers… using light. The world’s top athletes are already using this discovery – now you can too!
- Dr. Susan Daniel (Neurodevelopmental Optometrist): I’ll cut right to the chase — this woman is a miracle worker. Why? Because after a patient has a stroke or other brain injury – she helps give them their life back. It’s no wonder there’s waiting list to see her…
Then, in Episode 4, you’ll meet Danna Demetre and Robyn Thomson, Dr. Josh Axe, Jordan Rubin, and Dr. Patrick Quillin to learn:
- How to manage your weight in a Godly way. With the proven weight loss secrets for women (revealed at 5:10), you can be lean and healthy no matter your age.
- How to drop up to 95 pounds in just 8 months — without dieting. Impossible? (It’s so easy if you know what to do!)
- How to use food as medicine – and the Bible as your ultimate reference guide.
- How Dr. Axe’s mother beat stage-4 cancer… (If you or a loved one is battling cancer right now, you must hear her amazing story!)
- How to develop your God-given healing potential. Turns out, God installed a specific healing “code” inside all of us that can prevent AND reverse the most common degenerative diseases. You just have to know how…
- When Jordan was dying from a mystery illness and desperate for a cure, he went to 69 different medical experts for a diagnosis –yet, no one could help him. Ready to give up, he turned to the Bible for answers, and reclaimed his health (and life!) in just 40 days. How did he do it? You’ll have to watch to find out…
Next up, in Episode 5, you’ll meet Dr. Al Fallah, Dr. Chris Meletis, Dr. Paul Anderson, and Doug Kaufmann to see:
- The shocking connection between your gums and Alzheimer’s disease. (Seriously, don’t miss this one.)
- The “Disciple’s Diet.” This is a fantastic way to detoxify your entire body, head-to-toe. If you need to push a massive “reset button” on your health, start HERE!
- An exciting new breakthrough that could help 50 million Americans suffering from autoimmune disease right now.
- How to beat chronic inflammation… FOR GOOD.
- And MORE!
Episode 6 is all about the wonders of the human body… God’s finest creation – and the most complex thing on the planet. Inside, you’ll hear from Dr. Michael Copeland, Dr. Mark LaBeau, Dr. Frank Shallenberger, Dr. Angela Stengler, Dr. Kris French, and Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy to discuss:
- Did you know you have more neuron connections in your brain than the galaxy has stars?! (Amazing!) And there’s even more proof you were Intelligently Designed…
- Are you suffering from chronic joint paint? If so, I have great news — finally, there is hope. (Tune in for this exciting announcement.)
- How to preserve your “youthful” cells – even if you’re 90 years old…
- The life-changing results of rebalancing your hormones…
- And MORE!
And we’re still just getting started because…
Owning the Christian Medical Summit is just like having 24/7 access to your own personal health team.
Whatever your health worry is today or tomorrow…
You can feel at peace knowing the wisdom and guidance from these 32 experts will have the answer you need.
Whether you’re looking to:
Lower your risk of ever getting sick…
Stop the nagging symptoms that keep you awake at night…
Reverse the conditions that have robbed you of life’s little joys…
And even CURE the diseases the mainstream has written off as “incurable.”
It’s not impossible…
It’s happening in their clinics every single day.
Now, you can have the same “healing secrets” – right in the comfort of your own living room.
But that’s not all…
Because you’ve joined us for this exciting moment in history…
I have an extra special invitation for you:
See, all 6 episodes of the Christian Medical Summit are offline. And the series will never be sold in stores.
But, today, you have the chance to lock-in lifetime access to the Christian Medical Summit.
Say “yes!” and you’ll have:
- All 6 episodes, in their entirety. FOREVER. You’ll get all the information you need to treat, reverse, and cure more than 20 different health conditions – right from the comfort of your own home. And feel free to share the episodes with a friend who needs to see them… this special access will never expire.
- DVDs of each episode, so you can watch from the comfort of your own living room or wherever is most convenient for you.
- A full transcript of the Christian Medical Summit series – This “Follow Along Guide” is printed and organized neatly into a reference book, so you can quickly flip to the section you need.
- A FREE copy of Dr. Mark Stengler’s best-selling book, The Stengler Cancer Reversing Protocol (worth $39.95!)
- Uncut BONUS footage (warning: some of this was too controversial to air in the original series)
- And 7 FREE BONUS faith-building segments created by Dr. Mark Stengler along with some special guests. He hopes you’ll be blessed by what’s inside – it’s his way of saying “thanks for your support!”
It’s the greatest collection of healing secrets ever assembled – all approved and used by America’s top Christian physicians.
So, let me ask you…
How would it feel knowing you have all of these disease-defeating weapons at your disposal?
What would it mean for you to have the proven treatment you need, in your hands today?
Not only will you have the tools to beat cancer, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, arthritis, digestive diseases, and so much more…
But you’ll be able to share this information with a loved one.
Think about it… who could use a miracle right now?
How about…
Your memory issues that seem to be getting worse?
Your husband’s type II diabetes – are his prescriptions really managing the disease?
Your neighbor who’s been suffering with back pain for years?
A friend who’s worried about her recent cancer diagnosis?
Or do you want to make sure your kids and grandkids NEVER get sick in the first place?
Heaven forbid anyone you love ever faces a scary diagnosis. But if it happens, you’ll have everything you’ll need at your fingertips.
And what a blessing it would be, knowing you can provide the answer someone else looking for…
Plus, wouldn’t you feel a bit more relaxed, and excited for your own future?
Wouldn’t your anxiety disappear – knowing, no matter what life has in store, you can always flip to the section you need in The Christian Medical Summit for the solution?
Wouldn’t you enjoy time with your family, friends, and loved ones just a bit more – knowing your best days are ahead of you?
Friend, that’s why I’m giving you this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
Because if you order today, you’ll also get this FREE bonus gift from Dr. Mark Stengler, as his way of saying “thanks” for joining him on this series…
Here’s a sneak peek inside your FREE BONUS:
The Stengler Cancer Reversing Protocol
Dr. Stengler has been successfully fighting cancer for more than 20 years inside his California clinic.
And now he’s ready to reveal everything he’s learned about how to beat cancer… all 100% naturally.
- The inexpensive nutrient protocol that increases survival rates by 326% — even in terminal cancer patients. How!? It energizes and SUPERCHARGES your own body’s immune system in an amazing way. It turns your own white blood cells into Army Rangers… muscled-up soldiers built to identify and destroy cancer cells.
- The stunning “cloud mushroom” treatment for colon, lung, stomach and esophageal cancer. Over 400 published scientific studies back up its cancer-fighting abilities… but drug companies are working hard to discredit it. (Probably because it does what chemo and radiation can’t…)
- The stunning food discovery that HALTS the spread of tumors. This strange Asian food contains an ingredient that scientists think may be the key to suppressing inflammation – which is the root of essentially ALL disease, including deadly cancers.
- And the strange “fermented” food that has been shown to have powerful anti-cancer effects against colorectal, skin, breast, lung and oral cancers.
Dr. Stengler has seen these natural treatments work time and again… and he’s now making them available to supporters like you.
If you or a loved one has ever feared cancer, this is the one resource you must have on your bookshelf. You’ll keep it at the ready and you’ll share your secrets with family, friends and neighbors.
And there’s still more inside this incredible guide…
You see, Dr. Stengler’s research has also uncovered 5 things you’re doing right now that could actually give you cancer…
- One is a certain type of food most of us eat every single day…
- One is a scourge of today’s modern world (your grandparents sure never faced this threat)…
- One is an invisible contaminant in your home’s water supply…
- One is one of the most common prescription drugs in America (are you on it right now?)…
- And one is something you could find in your coffee every morning (scary but true)…
So even if you aren’t facing a cancer diagnosis today… his book is a MUST-READ to protect yourself.
Now, normally this best-seller retails for $39.95…
But, today, it’s a COMPLETELY FREE gift – just for saying “YES!” to the Christian Medical Summit VIP Access.
There’s just one catch…
You have to order today to get all these FREE bonus books. After that, this offer disappears.
So what are you waiting for?
Click the button below and lock-in your Lifetime Access special offer now.
Now, I’m sure you’re probably wondering…
How much does this package cost?
And I have great news for you today…
Lifetime Access to
the Christian Medical Summit is just
a fraction of what’d you pay in-person
After all, we’re talking about the top medical experts in the nation.
In fact, if you called up any of these doctors and got on their waiting list for an appointment – it would be worth every penny.
But you’d end up spending at least $1,000 for an hour of their time.
When we first decided to offer lifetime access to the Christian Medical Summit series, that’s how much the marketing team wanted to charge: $1,000.
And honestly, it’d be a bargain at that price.
When you consider everything in this VIP package – including…
- Proven protocols– used by real doctors – to treat and reverse cancer, Alzheimer’s, arthritis and more…
- Lifetime accessto all the information inside the Christian Medical Summit series…
- A free copy of Dr. Stengler’s book, The Stengler Cancer-Reversing Protocol (worth $39.95)
- PLUS, all the free bonuseswe added for you…
I think you’ll agree: that’s still one heck of a deal.
But, because you took time out of your day to join us on this mission…
And because I know you’re ready for a brighter, disease-free future…
You aren’t going to pay $1,000.
I refuse to let you pay $500 either.
When you click the button below, you’ll get lifetime access to The Christian Medical Summit plus everything I mentioned above…
For the incredibly low price of just $299.
But hurry… this is a limited-time offer.
So click the button below to lock in your special deep discount now.
Online Access Only
- All 6 episodes (Digital)
- All interviews with 32 doctors and experts
- 588-page transcript book (Digital)
- Uncut Bonus footage
DVDs AND Online Access!
Everything PLUS Bonus Gifts!
- All 6 episodes (Physical + Digital)
- All interviews with 32 doctors and experts
- 588-page transcript book
- The Stengler Cancer Reversing Protocol: Therapies that Treat and Prevent Cancer
- 7 FREE BONUS faith-building segments
- Uncut Bonus footage
Physical DVDs Only
- All 6 episodes (Physical)
- All interviews with 32 doctors and experts
- 588-page transcript book
PLUS: There’s Absolutely No Risk With
Your 100% Money-Back Guarantee
Here’s how it works…
Click the button below and lock-in lifetime access to the Christian Medical Summit at your special discount.
When your package arrives, take everything out of the box and lay it on your kitchen table.
Marvel at how much information you now have access to… right at your fingertips.
Then, take DVDs into your living room.
Pop in disk one and start watching…
Then, start taking notes as our experts reveal their healing breakthroughs to beating the devastating diseases
Write down the exact protocols they’re using – so you can use them yourself.
Make your way through all the DVDs, plus all the exciting bonus footage…
Leaf through the 588-page series transcript, The Complete Interview Transcripts…
Feel blessed as your walk with Christ grows stronger through the 7 faith-building devotionals…
Read through your 107-page guide: The Stengler Cancer-Reversing Protocol…
And head to your computer to watch all 6 episodes of the Christian Medical Summit again and again… whenever and wherever you need them.
And if you aren’t completely happy with everything in your VIP package…
If you don’t think all this life-saving information is worth double what you paid…
Simply give us a call and we’ll send you a full and courteous refund.
That’s 100% of your money back if you aren’t completely satisfied with your purchase today.
Best of all — this guarantee NEVER expires!
If you’re not thrilled with the wealth of healing information inside your VIP Package…
If your life hasn’t been blessed in at least 3 dramatic ways…
If you don’t feel years younger… stronger… and healthier just weeks from now.
We’ll return every penny you pay today.
And that offer is good forever. You can call us tomorrow, in 62 days, even 10 years from now.
Plus, we’ll insist you keep all your free bonus books (including The Complete Interview Transcripts and The Stengler Cancer-Reversing Protocol) as Dr. Stengler’s gifts to you.
That’s how confident we are in the wisdom and knowledge these experts provide…
But you must act now…
This is your last chance to make sure you’re never without this life-saving information.
Click the button to claim lifetime access now.
Friend, now’s your chance to say “yes” to your brand-new life…
One where you never have to fear ANY disease again.
These Christian medical experts have already changed thousands of lives—and can’t wait to change millions more…
Are you ready for your turn?
Online Access Only
- All 6 episodes (Digital)
- All interviews with 32 doctors and experts
- 588-page transcript book (Digital)
- Uncut Bonus footage
DVDs AND Online Access!
Everything PLUS Bonus Gifts!
- All 6 episodes (Physical + Digital)
- All interviews with 32 doctors and experts
- 588-page transcript book
- The Stengler Cancer Reversing Protocol: Therapies that Treat and Prevent Cancer
- 7 FREE BONUS faith-building segments
- Uncut Bonus footage
Physical DVDs Only
- All 6 episodes (Physical)
- All interviews with 32 doctors and experts
- 588-page transcript book
Wishing You Health and God’s Blessings,
Brian Chambers
P.S. Please make sure you claim this offer (and your extra discount) TODAY.
Here’s everything you’re getting when you say “yes” to lifetime access to the Christian Medical Summit…
- Lifetime access to all 6 episodes, in their entirety. You’ll get all the information you need to prevent, treat, reverse, and cure our most devastating diseases – right from the comfort of your own home. Share with a friend, or take with you on the road (this link will never expire, and you’ll have access for life)
- DVDs of each episode, so you can watch from the comfort of your own living room.
- Your very own “Follow Along Guide” to the Christian Medical Summit: An easy-to-read transcript that’ll help you follow along with each episode AND a great reference guide to use whenever you need it.
- Uncut BONUS footage that was too “controversial” for the series
- Along with 7 FREE BONUS faith-building segments created by Dr. Mark Stengler, to strengthen your relationship with Christ. He hopes you’ll be blessed by what’s inside – it’s his way of saying “thanks for your support!”
- PLUS: A FREE copy of Dr. Mark Stengler’s 107-page book, The Stengler Cancer-Reversing Protocol where you’ll learn about the inexpensive nutrient protocol that increases survival rates by 326% — even in terminal cancer patients. (And SO much more!)
So be sure to lock in your VIP discount now – before this offer disappears forever.
Online Access Only
- All 6 episodes (Digital)
- All interviews with 32 doctors and experts
- 588-page transcript book (Digital)
- Uncut Bonus footage
DVDs AND Online Access!
Everything PLUS Bonus Gifts!
- All 6 episodes (Physical + Digital)
- All interviews with 32 doctors and experts
- 588-page transcript book
- The Stengler Cancer Reversing Protocol: Therapies that Treat and Prevent Cancer
- 7 FREE BONUS faith-building segments
- Uncut Bonus footage
Physical DVDs Only
- All 6 episodes (Physical)
- All interviews with 32 doctors and experts
- 588-page transcript book